The Tale of Engravings


It was like any other day. I was browsing le reddit and le 4chan at the same time when I saw a message pop up in skype, It was my nicca Engravings Gaming (EngrvsGming). "Come to my stream where I may take your soul and fuck your asshole until you bleed and then I'll drink the blood", said Engravings. Being his best friend in the whole world I thought nothing of it and went into his stream. When I got in the stream there were no viewers at all....although that is normal for an Engravings stream this time it was different as there was hyper-realistic real blood all over the twitch page and a pair of sp00ky eyes in the corner. The stream said "live", but it was completely dark as though he wasn't even streaming.
After talking to myself on the twitch chat for 10 minutes Engravings showed up on the stream. He was shirtless, but something was off. There was a huge penis tattoo on his forehead and he stared at me with hyper-realistic eyes. Engravings then said, "Wut hapen red man" over and over again with increasing volume. The penis tattoo started secreting hyper-realistic bloody cum from its tip and it was oozing out of my keyboard. Engravings then said "u dun fug up now son", and began to emerge from my laptop and flew around my room using the wings on his eagle tattoo. He then began to *unzip dick* right in front of me. It was a sight that I would never forget as his extra small weeny unzipped into a practically microscopic penor.
After E screamed in my face for 10 hours he showed me a pic of his wife's butt and I blacked out. I woke up the next day perfectly fine, but something was off. Every single show on tv was candle cove and Squidward's suicide with Jessie from Full House starring at me in the background. Then, my mom came in and she was hyper-realistic and so was my dog! "GET BACK!", I screamed at my mother and dog as I jumped out the window.
After running to le Canada I learned the way of the shaolin monk and I learned from daigo on how to unzip my dick to the max. I then was told by my hyper-realistic mom that there was no Engravings I was watching static for 4 years and constantly was saying,
"The Idn't goin't after the flerd, Do must go'y not, DENT, ohoh fuckmostirdle! And remember, we never had la sacka numba kashalaka *deep voice* hehehehehe" for hours on end. I then (Bug). Dray was there when I (Bug)'d and he flicked a toothpick on the ground and then burst into toothpicks and teleported behind E and le kill him.
-TenaciousR 1978 <5 NIGHTS AT FREDDY's!!! Bite of 78!! :O